Instead Of Media Awards (Singular), I Blogger Encourage Journalists To Go For Social Rewards (Plural)

Singular Filipina Maria Ressa, CEO of Rappler, already a Nobel Peace Prize winner for journalism, was going to receive a different honor from the Transatlantic Leadership Network (TLN): “Freedom Of The Media Award For Explanatory Reporting” Saturday, 17 Sept 2022 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Should I congratulate Ms Maria, I who has not received any award other than “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing,” historically the first & only recipient in the entire UP System?

As I write this, yesterday, Sept 17 was a VIP (Very Important Point in Time) to me because it was my birthday. And yes, that Freedom Of The Media Award For Explanatory Reporting is a VIP (Very Important Preoccupation) because it gives double importance to the Nobel Prize for Ms Maria’s “Truth Journalism” – her pursuit of the truth and nothing but the truth, so help her God.

A little over a year ago, on 09 Oct 2021, I blogged “Maria Ressa’s Nobel Peace Prize Reporting Vs Frank A Hilario’s Peasant Journalism” (Brains & Beauty Agriculture, I said there in huge letters:

Yes! Today, even Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalists must recognize that journalism has changed – blogging has reinvented journalism, quantity-wise, quality-wise!

I also said there:

Since January 2020, I have been blogging every single day, even at 81 years of age, practicing my own theory of communication for development [of all villages in the 21­st century – CoViD21] that I originated in December 1980. I blog in agriculture and related sciences, digitally available knowledge served byte-size, aimed mostly at public officials, private leaders & businessmen, and literate farmers.

I am proud today that blogging has in fact & effect shifted freedom of personal communication to freedom of social communication for the development of villages.

I can imagine being a Nobel Peace Prize winner in print journalism is an indescribably ecstatic feeling; nonetheless, I know writing for village development is more challenging and everlastingly gratifying.

Now then, I challenge Filipino journalists with/without international honors to practice CoViD21 – my concept. I first concocted “CoViD21” in 2021 – in part “inspired” by the disease “Covid-19” – whereby I blogged on 29 Nov 2021, “Any Of PH Presidential Candidates Has Head Towards Heaven & Eyes Towards The People?” (Brains & Beauty Agriculture, That’s how I would encourage journalists how to behave: Their Heads towards Heaven and Eyes towards Humanity.
(“Social Rewards” from

Yes, the TLN award was for Ms Maria’s “continued safeguarding of freedom of expression” as according to the award-giver. But for the sake of humanity, starting with the Filipinos as her own people, let us beg Ms Maria to now shift her attention to society and come up with explanatory reporting leading to development in her chosen field for the growth & progress of Filipino villages.

On my part, as a blogger, I continue with my engagement in CoViD21 in “Regenerative Agriculture” – being Anti-Farmer Poverty, simultaneously anti-Climate Change. Why not a well-known group coming up with “World’s Freedom Of The Media Award For Regenerative Reporting”? My hero!@517


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