Any Of PH Presidential Candidates Has Head Towards Heaven & Eyes Towards The People?

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is minding the 2022 presidential elections; I am a Roman Catholic and I don’t mind at all!

ANN says today, Sunday, 28 Nov 2021, a day of obligation for Roman Catholics, “CBCP Releases Prayer For The 2022 Elections[1](Author Not Named, ANN counts 24 lines and I count 214 words total. Meaningfully, Angelic Numbers says[2]:

The… number 214 encourages you to regain control of your life. You may have lost your bearings due to something unexpected, but this is not enough reason to completely lose control of your life.

How prophetic is that!? Since the filing of candidacies by those running for President in the 2022 elections, we Filipinos have been razzle-dazzled by the 3 frontrunning presidential wannabes – Bongbong Marcos (Ilocano), Isko Moreno (Tagalog), and Leni Robredo (Bicolano) – that is, Bongbong by parades of red(people & vehicles), Leni by gatherings of people in pink & buildings glowing in that color, and Isko by his presence in plentiful places to please people with promises.

I am extremely glad that my church, through the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines(CBCP), has released a prayer “for all Catholic churches in the Philippines to recite ahead of the 2022 elections.” ANN says:

The prayer is 24 lines long and calls for a fair and just election and (wishes) that "genuine fear of God and love of neighbors" would guide officials who would be elected. The prayer is seen to be recited by millions of Filipinos even at a time when attendance to masses has been reduced under the pandemic.

I will now quote some parts of the prayer:

Let us pray together:
Hear us, Lord
That conscience may always be our ultimate norm...
That the common good may always be our highest goal...
That human dignity may be respected all the time...
That the poor and the weak may always have the priority...
That care for creation may never be ignored...
That solidarity may guide the path of peace and development...
That genuine fear of God and love of neighbors may guide those who seek public office...

The CBCP prayer implies how the candidates are or should be behaving – I find that I must add to the qualifications what and how the candidate should be thinking for the common good of the people when s/he wins!

More than 2 months ago, I began writing in my blog Communication For Village Development (CoVID21) about how we Filipinos can wisely choose our President; here are 4 of my essays:

08-10-2021 – “Filipinos, How You & I Can Choose Our President In The ­2022 Elections”
22-10-2021 – “Polls, Pulse, False: Presidency Is Not Popularity, It’s Leadership”
14-11-2021 – “What Does Agriculture & Apolinario Mabini Have To Do With PH Presidential Candidates?”
18-11-2021 – “Isko Moreno Shows The Way For The New Filipino – Including Agriculture & Digital!”

What did the world’s genius say about all that? “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind” – Albert Einstein.@517




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