“Successful Farming For Beginners – How? With Rotavator Reinvented, Simultaneously We Cultivate The Soil And Produce Organic Fertilizer Free!” – Frank A Hilario, UP Los Baños Alumnus

I am challenging either BBM or Leni Robredo to become the modern liberators of farmers from poverty by reinventing farm equipment – old one pulled by tractor in the image above needs improvement! With funding, I UP Los Baños alumnus will reinvent the rotavator so that it does 3 things simultaneously: (1) cultivates soil, (2) creates organic mulch, and (3) spreads that mulch all over the field – all automatically! This is organic farming so advanced you couldn’t believe it until you see it!

The proposed 2-year project, with techno-demos, will be executed at PhilRice Los Baños Station in Laguna, where we have nearby UP Los Baños and IRRI. Engineers from UPLB College of Engineering & Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT) will be called upon as necessary. (Above, the lower image shows a rotavator behind the tractor at PhilRice Los Baños.)
(Tractor+ image from me, 18 April 2018)

Reinventing the rotavator is one simple way to transform all of PH Agriculture to solve 2 problems simultaneously: (1) Farmer Poverty and (2) Climate Change! It’s Frank A Hilario’s original idea, given birth by Edward H Faulkner’s book “Plowman’s Folly” – in which he states that plowing is wrong! Ah, farmers universally remain imprisoned by their own folly!

Kinsmanivan says (27 Dec 2020, “The Father Of No-till: Edward H Faulkner,” rainwaterrunoff.com):

It was on 5 July 1943, when Plowman’s Folly was first issued, that the author startled a lethargic public, long bemused by the apparently insoluble problem of soil depletion, by saying, simply, “The fact is that no one has ever advanced a scientific reason for plowing.” … For generations, our reasoning about the management of the soil has rested upon the use of the moldboard plow… Mr Faulkner proved rather conclusively that soil impoverishment, erosion, decreasing crop yields, and many of the adverse effects following droughts or periods of excessive rainfall could be traced directly to the practice of plowing natural fertilizers deep into the soil.

That’s Agriculture 1943 going on to 2022. We should know better today!

Based on Edward H Faulkner’s ideas & experiences, I reinvented the rotavator with my original technique.  My brother-in-law Enso Casasos always out-yielded his neighbor farmers who did not know about FAH’s rotavator magic!

Above, the lower image shows in the disc plow with its large circular blades. The disc plow always buries the “natural fertilizers deep into the soil” – becoming useless as natural enrichers of the field.

Unfortunately, all rotavators available today do not help cultivate the field in order to enrich it!

Now then, I am enticing either BBM or Ma'am Leni and her Angat Buhay Foundation to finance a reinvention of the rotavator so that it becomes so easy to work with and get the desired results – even if the operator is a novice – such as a young girl!

With that organic mulch, you don’t need chemical fertilizers, which generate greenhouse gases, which generate climate change!

Thus: Reinventing the Rotavator equals Reinventing Agriculture – and helping solve Climate Change!@517


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