PH Sea Level Rising 3 Times World Average, PH Storms Visiting 3 Times In Less Than 1 Month – "St Padre Pio, Pray For Us!"

Francesco “Padre Pio” Forgione died 54 years ago, was declared Saint by Pope John Paul II 16 June 2002, and for us Roman Catholics, 23 Sept has been declared “Feast of Saint Pio” – and I join the celebration as an aggie journalist worried about Climate Change, clinging to Saint Padre Pio’s advice: “I recommend calm and calm all the time.” A companion advice from this Saint is, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”

(“PH Sea Level” from Gie Limos’ Facebook sharing; “I recommend” from

Wikipedia says (“Padre Pio,”

Padre Pio was not especially concerned with politics, but voted in Italian elections and voiced his opinions on various issues. He initially felt that Benito Mussolini had done a good job during his rule, but his feelings on Mussolini… became negative as time passed. When visited by one of Mussolini's messengers, Pio yelled at the man, "So now you come to me, after you have destroyed Italy. You can tell Mussolini that nothing can save Italy now! Nothing!"

“Pray, hope, and don’t worry.” Padre Pio said famously. On the wall above my wooden bed is a handwritten sign in Pentel pen by my daughter Graciela that says:

Do not worry
God is in control

Not especially concerned with politics myself, I have always voted. My feelings about PH presidents have become negative as time passes – and typhoons and floods have been wreaking havoc in our cities and countryside, especially destroying farms and livelihoods. Am I about to say to any spokesman of Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr that nothing can save the Philippines now?! No.

I believe these: We Catholics can pray to St Padre Pio to intercede for us. But we Filipinos must help ourselves in the matter of Primate Change and Climate Change – we primates must learn to practice Regenerative Agriculture (RA) all over the country to solve farmer poverty, and to resolve super typhoons and floods and droughts and such brought about by Climate Change.

I have high hopes. That is why I keep blogging to convince thinking Filipino farmers to practice Regenerative Agriculture (RA) if they want to save themselves first – and their country in a little while. What our farmers practice is Chemical Agriculture (CA), which keeps them poor, and which generates greenhouse gases – which brings about those super typhoons!

Indeed, RA inputs are much cheaper than CA inputs and, therefore, farmers will easily earn more without thinking! It comes naturally. The organic matter helps enrich soils that grow healthy crops that produce healthy foods that keep customers healthy and pockets of farmers full – RA will make happen.

Without chemical fertilizers, how to make RA easier and even cheaper for every farmer new or experienced, but especially the new? I have in mind to reinvent the rotavator so that it creates on the spot and all over the field a layer of organic mulch automatically! But I need a little financing to achieve this organic miracle. Any takers?@517


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