“Organic Agriculture Equals Crop Rotation” – Frank A Hilario, UPLB Agriculturist ‘65 (24-09-2022)

How do I explain to my President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr about “Organic Agriculture” and/or “Regenerative Agriculture” – or to anybody else who is neither an agriculturist nor a nosy/noisy farmer? I think this teacher just learned from some Princeton students: “Just learn how to rotate your crops and you will be an excellent organic farmer!”

(“Crop Rotation” from Princeton Students Climate Initiative, psci.princeton.edu)

The Princeton students are telling me:

Crop rotation is the practice of “rotating crops,” or sequentially planting different crops on the same plot of land. This rotation improves soil health, optimizes soil nutrients, and combats pests and weeds. Farmers seek to plant consecutive crops that compliment each other. For example, a farmer may choose to plant beans after planting corn because the beans will return nitrogen to the soil that the corn uses up. Rotations can involve as little as two to three crops and as many as over a dozen.

That is to say, if you are a true believer in organic agriculture, you rotate the lives of your crops in your farm or garden – you just remember that and nothing else.

You don’t have to remember such complicated things as the US Department of Agriculture describes: “Organic producers implement a wide range of strategies to develop and maintain biological diversity and replenish soil fertility” (quoted by Rodale Institute,  rodaleinstitute.org). Simply rotate your crops and you take care of them, and your health, and your soil!

And neither do I want to discuss bio-N, organic compost, cattle manure, poultry droppings, domestic sewage and so on – I want to simplify my life as a blogger to  help any farmer simply his regenerative life!

Yesterday, I blogged “Climate Change Solution – “Big Countries Must Finance Small Countries” – Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr. “Isn’t That Waiting For Godot?” – Frank A Hilario, Asking For A Friend!” Brains & Beauty Agriculture, blogspot.com).

I see it today, Saturday, 24 September 2022 (Manila), “Regenerative Agriculture” ultimately is about regenerative human bodies! “Farm like the world depends on it” – Regenerative Organic Alliance (regenorganic.org). “Because it does” – Frank A Hilario

Regenerative Organic Alliance says:

We imagine a world in which farmers, brands, policymakers, educators, researchers and individuals come together to create a healthy food system that respects land, animals, empowers people, and restores communities and ecosystems through regenerative organic farming.

“That respects, empowers, restores” – that is the agriculture I believe in.

Back to simplifying my life as a blogger pushing for Regenerative Agriculture, I will just have to remember this as my mantra: “Organic Agriculture Equals Crop Rotation.” (And that Organic Agriculture is part and not 100% of Regenerative Agriculture.)

Rodale Institute says, “The future is organic” (Rodale Institute, rodaleinstitute.org). It says of itself: “Rodale Institute has been a global leader in regenerative organic agriculture for over 70 years.”

What else?! Organic agriculture helps solve farmer poverty; at the same time it helps resolve climate change – 2 pressing problems of the Philippines today. So: “The future is organic.” You can’t blame me if I believe 100% in what Rodale Institute is saying!@517


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