“Why Don’t We Change The Sex Of Filipino Farmers From Male To Female?” Asking For A Friend! Let The Women Take Charge Of Farming To Fight Climate Change!

Now, now, why do I want to change the sex of Filipino farmers from Male to Female? Because the male farmers are hardheaded, matigas ang ulo, natangken ti ulo! I’m referring to farmers who insist on applying chemical solutions of all kinds in their farms – they are exacerbating Climate Change by inducing greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Via Ma'am Leniand Angat Buhay, I am appealing to the female species “to get rid of the male species” of farmers and, with such modern sex change, simultaneously change the nature of Philippine farming!

Why? Male Filipino farmers insist, with some blessings of their Godfathers local and international, PhilRice and IRRI, on applying chemical fertilizers and pesticides – because it’s easier, faster, more convenient. Bad Godfather, bad!

Alvin Chandrasays, “In The Philippines, Climate Change And Conflict Conspire Against Rural Women” (26 July 2017, Phys.org, phys.org):

Heavily exposed to increasing incidence of extreme weather events, the Philippines is among one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change in the world.

The major reason for Climate Change? The GHGs that chemical fertilizers and pesticides contribute in their manufacture, distribution and application. The male farmers love all those chemicals – all quick-acting.

Thus, our male farmers are paying much for expensive chemicals, and wreaking havoc on our climate generation with those GHGs, and not minding those, and so everyone of us is paying much for what the male of the species is doing wrong!

As I write Monday, 29 August 2022, I celebrate PH “National Heroes Day,” changing the sex of Filipino farmers from Male to Female, from Hard-Headed to Soft-Spoken. Thus, we have The New Heroes we need – Beautiful!
(“Lady Farmers” from Esquire, esquiremag.ph)

Actually, I have already started campaigning for females to take over PH Agriculture! (See my essay, “ Ma'am Leni & Angat Buhay People, May I Interest You With Farming With A Heart!? Together, We Can Reinvent Organic Farming – Our Objective Is To Defeat Poverty And Climate Change Wonderfully!” 27 Aug 2022, Towards A New Eden, towardsaneweden.blogspot.com/).

Elsewhere, Mariana Broitman says “We are still far from solving gender inequality (07 March 2021, “Why The World Needs More Female Farmers,” Fair Food, fairfood.org). Ms Mariana sees disarming ladies arming for farming by going digital. She points to farming as a male-dominated sector and she doesn’t like it herself.

Ms Mariana, granting that Gender Equality is a big issue, it is miniscule compared to Climate Change!

Me, I don’t like the male-dominated farming sector myself because the males are making all the wrong decisions in what materials to apply in farming – those chemical fertilizers and pesticides that all those male farmers love to swish around, produce those GHGs! They are unwitting criminals!

When will Males ever learn about Regenerative Agriculture? I don’t think they will ever learn – so, let the Females take over the farms and do the right thing – apply organic fertilizers – to do right to their fields, crops, animals, families, and country!@517


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