Ma'am Leni & Angat Buhay People, May I Interest You With Farming With A Heart!? Together, We Can Reinvent Organic Farming – Our Objective Is To Defeat Poverty And Climate Change Wonderfully!

It’s time that we Filipinos (embracing Filipinas) take it literally and figuratively: farming at heart, farming with a heart – because the males do it grudgingly. To produce more food & at the same time reduce Climate Change. No, they teach this neither in IRRI, nor PhilRice, nor UP Los Baños! 

I am a UP Los Baños alumnus, BSA Ag Edu. (Almost 82; thank God for another year!) Today, I would like to invite Ma'am Leni Robredo and Angat Buhay to engage in a new venture/adventure: Organic Farming, a territory that the males of the species have refused to inhabit! (To check on my character & reputation, please contact Pids Rosario, President of Madecor, Los Baños.)

I call this proposed joint project “Hearts & Farms” to emphasize more the love and less the labor – I assure you my organic farming technique I call “Grass2Cash” emphasizes the fact that even with you ladies with zero experience, the rotavator will convert the weeds into income magically! (With my instructions, my brother-in-law Enso Casasos had done it for decades!)
(“Rotavator” image from Agriline Philippines,

Our Kiko Pangilinan is included because he is a farmer himself. To start “Hearts & Farms,” Angat Buhay will provide funds for the techno-demo and training of Angat Buhay ladies. (Of funding, we can talk about the details off-Facebook.) With enough funds, I would like to start the training via the Nagkaisa Multi-Purpose Cooperative of which I have been a board member; Nagkaisa is based in Asingan, Pangasinan, my hometown. The first female volunteers will train with the off-the-shelf rotavator.

I emphasize the coop as the entity for working with the rotavator and organic farming. We know that the good coop works for the good of every member.

Why do we want organic farming in our fields? Based in Canada, award-winning Japanese environment activist David Suzuki says (“What You Eat Affects The Climate,” David Suzuki Foundation,

Studies show that chemical farming uses more energy per unit of production than organic farming. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in soils produce nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas about 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

With organic farming, we want to change the climate for the better!

We can take heart that a few Americans have taken heart with their agriculture. Thus, “Heart & Soil Farm” is found in “the heart of the Red River Valley, North Dakota (Heart & Soil Farm,

At the start, I will train Angat Buhay ladies how to operate the off-the-shelf rotavator with my adjustmentsto bring about the desired results all over the field. I call that output:

Rotavator Organic WEALTh
where WEALTh means “Weeds-Enriched Automatic Layer of Trash Triggering Terrestrial Health” – your automatic organic mulch that will turn itself into organic fertilizer as needed, beginning Day 1.

As our “Hearts & Farms” project proceeds, we will reinvent the rotavator to produce that Organic WEALTh automatically!@517


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