I Agriculturist & Journalist Note “10-Year Modernization Plan” For PH Agriculture Via ADB – Thanks, But No Thanks, ADB!

I find it strange that it takes the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to come up with a plan for my country’s agriculture. “Why did ADB not choose the Department of Agriculture (DA) to prepare its own 10-Year Modernization Plan?” Asking for a friend!

I’m reading ANN who says, “ADB Taps SEARCA For 10-Year Agriculture Modernization Plan” (Author Not Named, 17 Aug 2022, BusinessMirror, businessmirror.com.ph). Now, now – there are 3 strange things here that I am especially noting:

(1)   I have very high regards for SEARCA Director Glenn B Gregorio, but “Why did ADB tap SEARCA for a modernization plan for PH Agriculture?” Asking for a friend!

(2)   Why did ADB not ask the DA itself to plan for PH Agriculture?” Asking for another friend!

(3)   If the ADB did that for the Philippines, would/did ADB do that for the other SEARCA 10 member-countries?

According to ANN, the PH industrialization plan has a nine-point track to carry out, as follows (verbatim):

1.     Consolidated production and postharvest facilities (commodity systems-oriented)

2.     Construction of critical infrastructure spatially integrated within agri-fisheries industrial business corridors

3.     Modernized food terminal facilities and similar facilities linked to transport nodes in urban and peri-urban areas.

4.     Smart irrigation and water impoundment or retention systems serving two or more commodities

5.     Other large-scale infrastructure (waste management facilities, fish ports, ICT (Information Communication Technology) including high-speed connectivity

6.     Scaled up mechanization and adoption of other commercial scale-oriented technologies

7.     Large-scale production and distribution of biologically safe technologies including biopackaging

8.     State-of-the art research and development facilities linked to province-led agriculture and fisheries extension systems networks

9.     Development of agri-fishery enterprises and business incubation initiatives linked to large investors.

I particularly note, as an agriculturist and the son of an uneducated farmer, that postharvest facilities are at the top of the list – I know that much farm produce goes to waste in the provinces because farmers do not plan what to do after harvest! (When will they ever learn?)

The Plan looks complete. Thus: We have “smart irrigation and water impoundment or retention systems serving two or more commodities” tells me that irrigation is very much in the agri-industrialization plan. This also tells me that, among other crops, rice being irrigated will continue – which essentially is telling me that PH irrigation systems will not change.

And no, the modernization plan does not mention what PH Agriculture should do to address climate change. “Failing to plan is planning to fail” – Allen Lakein.

In any case, it looks like I am the only blogger, journalist, or writer whatever who is campaigning for PH Agriculture to plan & implement a Regenerative Agriculture to multiply the benefits to farmers (healthy incomes) and consumers (healthy foods), and at the same time complement the regenerative advantages in terms of a healthier climate – reduced greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Organic agriculture (OA) is regenerative. Instead of chemical agriculture, if OA is practiced, would it not reduce to zero (0) GHGs emitted from PH farms? Not asking for a friend!@517


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