Maria Ressa & Rappler – Journalism For Development Vs Journalism For Devilment? If You Invoke Freedom Of The Press, Why Cannot The Other Party Invoke Freedom Of The Pressed? Even Of The Oppressed?

Is press freedom being denied Maria Ressa & news media Rappler? Differently, I believe she is simply being denied further exercise of that freedom. There is a big difference. Without realizing it, is Rappler practicing Devilment Journalism, not Development Journalism?

Press Freedom  – I never forgot UP College of Law Dean Ricardo Pascual in the early 1960s in a lecture at UPCA (now UP Los Baños) defining freedom in practical terms: “Freedom is like this – You have the right to swing your arm short of my nose!” Thus: Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press are the same: You watch out if you literally or figuratively swing your arm short of someone’s literal or figurative nose!

So, why are the press people, above all Filipina Nobel Peace Prize 2021 winner Maria Ressa, complaining about Freedom of the Press when in fact they are exercising it – and now they are receiving the results of the exercise of the Freedom of the Pressed, the people trying to defend themselves and/or to stop the press from exercising its freedom that is demonizing them?

Nobel Peace Prize winner or not, you journalist invite trouble when you pursue your brand of journalism that I call “Truth Journalism” – and which cannot even pass

The “Rotary 4-Way Test” –
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Whatever journalists are experiencing when they exercise their Freedom of the Press, without considering the Freedom of the Pressed, are the natural products of the exercise of their freedom.

All the more press freedom as pursued by everyone here and abroad cannot pass what I shall now call the THiNK! Journalism Test:

True? If True, is it
Helpful? If Helpful, is it
Inspiring? If Inspiring, is it
Necessary? If Necessary, is it

It is clear to me that if our journalists exercise THiNK! Journalism instead of STINK Journalism, they will gain more followers and society will benefit more from their word-works.

Maria Ressa says of Rappler: “This is a newsroom that’s been under attack for six years and we’ve prepared ourselves.” Freedom of the Press vs Freedom of the Pressed.

The better question is: “Why don’t Maria Ressa and her journalists bravely practice Development Journalisminstead of Devilment Journalism?

I myself have been practicing what I call Communication for Development, since 1976 when I joined the Forest Research Institute (FORI) and later became Founder & Editor In Chief of the FORI monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitat that I patterned after the American National Geographic. Copycat, I have been practicing Journalism for Development for 46 years!

My unsolicited advice to Maria Ressa & her Rappler media,
considering the news “Defiant Nobel Laureate Fights For Her Freedom” –
For Heaven’s sake!
Forgo Devilment Journalism.
Go for Development Journalism –
Thus, even without awards, everybody wins!@


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