From The Ilocos, “A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022” – An Unbelievably Quick & Scientific Way To Produce That Pie-In-The-Sky P20/kg Rice By Dec 2022!

“A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022?” Yes! You better believe it. I’m talking about increasing the yield of rice and simultaneously decreasing the cost of production to almost zero – unbelievable!

BBM Sir, you said (displayed in PhilMech Facebook sharing, above) and I quote:

We need an immediate plan to ensure that our food supply and the food prices are within reach of ordinary Filipinos from now until the end of the year.

Sir, accidentally, this UP Los Baños alumnus (1965) has that “immediate plan” – truthfully, it is already 57 years old! Which, borrowing from IRRI (lower image) and your father, Ferdinand “FM” Marcos, I now call:

“A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022.”

IRRI-FM’s “Miracle Rice” (IR8) happened in 1968. “Miracle Rice” tripled yields, an astounding achievement of IRRI scientists. Undoubtedly a miracle.

Today, based on personal knowledge and experience, here is how to produce “A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022” –

Step 1 – Rotavate field intelligently.
Run a rotavator shallowlyto produce on your ricefield the rich soil-plant mix that decomposes slowly and serves as the natural fertilizer for your rice. No fertilizer to buy!

Step 2 – Plant anyrice variety.
No need to plant a “wonder” rice variety like “IR8” (bred by IRRI) which your father FM employed for his successful “Masagana 99” Program.

Step 3 – Plant equidistant 2-week old seedlings.
I guarantee that you double or triple your yield if you transplant 2-week old seedlings singly with equal distances – based on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) preached by Fr Henri De Laulanie, SJ, based on farmer practices in Madagascar.

But of course, BBM Sir, you are bound to exclaim that what I have just written is “Unbelievable!” That’s understandable, because UP Los Baños itself is not “preaching” SRI for rice. I am a UPLB alumnus, differently a wild, wide reader, and definitely an original aboriginal, an Ilocano from Asingan, Pangasinan.

Intelligently, before you yourself proclaim “A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022,” here’s how you can get firsthand experience. With the financial assistance of the Department of Agriculture(DA), which you now head as the interim Secretary of Agriculture, I propose a simultaneous nationwide DA techno-demo, one 5-ha techno-demo farm for each of 146 cities and 1,488 municipalities in the country (Wikipedia,

The “A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022” techno-demo should be executed immediately for the current planting season. As the “A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022” Program Director for those 1,634 rice fields – I will supervise and provide instructions via the Internet.

BBM Sir, I’m speaking from decades of actual experience in my hometown – of my brother-in-law non-college graduate Enso Casasos using the steps listed above. Unfortunately, he died of a kidney disease years ago – but we can always interview his farmer neighbors, not to mention the wife, who is my cousin, mother-side: Ida.

Do I need prize money for offering my revolutionary brainchild “A Low-Cost Miracle Rice 2022?” Not necessary, but welcome. The important thing is to serve rice-eating Filipinos as best as we know how!@517


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