“Farming, The Biggest Job In The World” – BASF. Literally & Figuratively, “That’s Where You’ll Find Me! Not Somewhere Over The Rainbow” – Frank A Hilario

BBM Sir, I have been reading and re-reading your inaugural address, all 2,675 words of it, because I wanted to find out where I would, if I could, fit in – and I found it, unsurprisingly, in Agriculture – I’m a journalist and an alumnus of UP Los Baños, 1965. What special gift do I bring to Agriculture in these Marcosiantimes? I am that one recognized by the UPLB Alumni Association: “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing.” The one and only in 100 years.

To bring good news out of farming, we have to promote good, better, best farming! Via good, better, best agri journalism!
(“Good News” image from Stroud, stroudcenter.org)

Like you have to study to be good at being President, I Ilocano had to study to become what I thought I was good at: Creative Writing – in a foreign language, English.

We don’t have any journalist group active in promoting Agriculture for good beyond the bad – none, zero.

BBM Sir, you are the interim Secretary of Agriculture. “Congrats!” And “Good luck!” You have chosen to work first-things-first. As BASF puts it: “Farming, the biggest job the world.” And you must realize it that it’s true, as President of your country!

What can I offer you – our country – that other journalists or writers can/not offer? My dedication to Agriculture, being a not-so-poor Ilocano farmer’s son from Asingan, Pangasinan, and an alumnus of UP Los Baños, 1965. Singularly, as “Outstanding Alumnus for Creative Writing 2011,” I am the first and the only one so far in the 100+ years of the entire UP System.

Actually, I have already written about what I wish you would do: Form the media group I call “BBM Media” – [see my essay, “BBM Sir, About The Negative Media, If You Want It Done Right, You Have To Do It Yourself! This Ilocano Recommends Setting Up A Media Group Called “Bloggers for Building Minds Media (BBM Media) – THiNK! Journalism For National Development,” 25 June 2022, Towards A New Eden, towardsaneweden.blogspot.com].

Note the name of my blog: Towards A New Eden – If you have to dream, why not dream huge?! THiNK! Journalism For National Development – that is what is missing in Philippine media, as in other countries. Whether print or digital, media tend to be negative, not positive – to deconstruct, not construct.

Among other things, you said in your inaugural address:

This is a historic moment for us all. I feel it deep within me. You, the people have spoken and it is resounding. When my call for unity started to resonate with you, it did so because it echoed your yearning, mirrored your sentiments, and expressed your hopes for family, for country and for a better future. That is why it reverberated and amplified as it did, to deliver the biggest electoral mandate in the history of Philippine democracy.

As a journalist and agriculturist, I am thinking of helping deliver The Biggest Growth of Agriculture in the history of Philippine democracy!@517


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