Earth Hour & Jose Rizal – In The 21st Century, Love Of Country Redefined!

On Facebook, the first image on Earth Hour I saw Saturday is that above, saying: “Provincial Government of Rizal joins the entire world in the observance of Earth Hour, 26 March 2022.” Our National Hero Jose Rizal died for Love of Country; the province named after him lives for Love of Planet Earth. May pinagmanahan! (One takes after one!)

Earth Hour on Facebook says (

Join us as we switch off all non-essential lights for #EarthHour on 26th March 2022, 8:30pm… Together we have the power to #ShapeOurFuture.

Observing Earth Hour, we mortals are supposed to contribute in shaping our future. Our Facebook source says:

Our purpose is to empower an interconnected global community to achieve tangible environmental outcomes for our living planet. Did you know? The “Plus” sign on the Earth Hour logo symbolizes that the campaign is beyond just 60 minutes.

As usual, I was googling for materials, texts & images, to be able to write. For the sake of the environment, I started writing 57 years ago, founding & editing publications in forestry: monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular magazine Habitat. I started blogging 15 years ago several months before Al Gore& the IPCC co-won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their Climate Change campaigns. I have been blogging almost non-stop since 2007, so my Earth Hour on the Internet is something like 131,400 hours!

I will spend more Earth Hours as long as I live. I am praying to God that I will live to 120 years; isn’t that promised in the Bible? In the meantime, I have shifted my Earth Hour to spending blogging for organic agriculture, which explains the title of my new blog, created only last month, February: “Towards A New Eden” (

Organic agriculture is anti-climate change! Because if you apply organic fertilizer, your material will not produce greenhouse gases (GHGs), the immediate cause of global warming.

In his 24 March Facebook post; Roman Catholic preacher Bo Sanchez says, “You have a mission to fulfill in your life.” Yes Sir! And I found it 57 years ago in the open shelves of the library of UP College of Agriculture, now UP Los Baños, in the 2 books of American gentleman farmer Edward H Faulkner: Plowman’s Folly (1943) and Soil Development (1952) – “trash farming.” I have modernized it using the cultivator called rotavator, with which the soil is naturally enriched via what I call the creation of WEALth: Weeds-Enriched Automatic Layer of Trash to Trigger Terrestrial Health – plant materials and soil cut & mixed and laid upon the whole surface of the field during rotavation. This is my version of organic farming.

That is to say, “Earth Hour” to me is when you study how to take care of the soil, when you practice Regenerative Agriculture (RegenA) – organic farming is RegenA, as it avoids chemical fertilizers that generate GHGs that generate climate change. Organic farming/RegenA is my contribution to “Together, we have the power to #ShapeOurFuture.” Rizal redeemed!@517
(Bookworm image from


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