RevFarm – How Hybrid Rice Can Make PH Farmers Millionaires!

Think Revolutionary Farming (RevFarm), Think Doable. Here’s how 5 Filipino hybrid rice farmers can raise P1M+ from 1 crop!

This is already history. In early 2020, Genaro Tamon planted “US 88” hybrid rice, on May 12 harvested an ultra high 15.73 MT (286 sacks at 55 kilos each) from 1 ha in Magarao, Camarines Sur. Computed at P18/kg, the total was P283,140; multiplied by 5 farmers, the total was P1,415,700!

To become rich, you have to think rich first.

The news of ultra high yield is by Zac Sarian[1] (16 May 2020, “Bumper Crop: US 88 Yields 15.73 Tons Per Hectare In Bicol!” Agri News,; the calculation is by me, using the average 2020 palay price of P18/kg in Central Luzon per survey by PRISM[2].

Mr Sarian says:

The bumper yield is more than three times the average national per hectare yield of 4.07 metric tons based on the latest quarterly data from the Philippine Statistics Authority in January 2020. This is probably the first time for a farmer from Bicol to produce such a high yield. (I writer would say, “Not only from Bicol but from anywhere in the Philippines!”)

Here’s one more proof that with good seeds, good agricultural practices, proper farm management and with the cooperation of the weather, the Philippines can produce its own rice requirements.

I would now gladly add: “The Philippines can produce its own rice millionaires!”

Farmer Tamon says, “Wow talaga ang US 88 variety!” (My translation: “Variety US 88 is really wow!”) Son of a rice farmer in Asingan, Pangasinan; a BSA major in Ag Edu, UP Los Baños ’65; very wide & indefatigable digital reader (often on Facebook browsing posts & sharings) – I myself am surprised, shocked even:

Costs deducted, with a total of 5 ha of hybrid rice, 5 farmers can raise P1M in only 1 cropping season! (You can dream your own hybrid dream using the data.)

That 1 million-peso dream is my introduction to my readers of my new thinking for what I now call revolutionary farming (RevFarming), with each RevFarm practicing Regenerative Agriculture – that which Filipino farmers do not seem to have heard of – and which I can see is man’s intelligent campaign to fight climate change. Yesterday, I wrote about it in my essay “Which Should We Cultivate: ‘Climate Change’ Or ‘Primate Change’? Both![3](23 November 2021, Communication for Development,

Hybrid rice US 88 is sold by SeedWorks Philippines based in Bay, Laguna. Mr Sarian says:

(US 88) is an ideal rice variety for the country’s prevailing climate and is proven tolerant of the typical crop diseases that affect rice plants. Moreover, US 88 is well-noted for its long-grain rice with a premium, soft-eating quality.

Another welcome trait of US 88: “Ubod ng sarap!” (“Extremely flavorful!” my translation)

Via hybrid rice, I am pushing for a revolution in Philippine Agriculture that is now raging in Australia – Regenerative Agriculture!

Who told me to be a crusader for revolutionary agriculture in my home country the Philippines? I, me, myself!@517





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