Welfare Vs Fare Well – PH Agriculture Seen By Fictionist, Businessman & Me

I agriculturist & warrior writer welcome literary & worrier writer Yvette Tan as she makes known her wish for the Filipino farmer to “thrive” and not just “survive” (27 August 2021, “Agriculture Should Be Treated As An Industry, Not As Welfare
[1],Manila Bulletin).
(Welfare image[2] from iStock)

Although she does not make it clear at the outset, she is only quoting businessmind Julius Barcelona who says, “Agriculture should be treated as an industry, not as welfare.” Mr Barcelona is VP of the Philippine Seed Industry Association. His LinkedInaccount says he is “Working to enrich the life of the Filipino farmer.” I say, “Excellent!”

Unhappily for me, I find neither in Ms Tan’s 770-worded Bulletin piece nor Mr Barcelona’s LinkedIn posts how each or both propose to work it out so that agriculture is treated as industry and not as welfare.

Ah, but I agree with Ms Tan and Mr Barcelona that “agriculture should be treated as an industry, not as welfare!”

I forgive Ms Tan and Mr Barcelona if they are not digital and both are unaware that current PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, who assumed the headship of the Department of Agriculture (DA) 2 years ago, has been trying to literary move Heaven & Earth to be in the forefront of bringing the millions of farm families out of poverty into prosperity – and staying in there!

I now beg both Ms Tan and Mr Barcelona to read at least this single newspaper article by ANN that appeared on 23 June 2021: “Dar Leads Agriculture Sector To The Right Direction[3] (Author Not Named, Manila Times). Among other things, Mr Dar says, "We must apply the 'OneDA' agenda to transform the sector by employing major strategies towards a modern and industrialized Philippine agriculture."

The OneDA agenda is built on four pillars: Consolidation, Modernization, Industrialization, and Professionalization.

On the 4 pillars, ANN says:

Under Consolidation are the following strategies or components: Establishment of Bayanihan Agri-clusters; Collective action/Cooperatives Development; Province-Led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Systems; Mobilization and Empowerment of Partners; Diversification; and Credit Support.

Under Modernization… are: Technology and Innovation including Digital Agriculture; Farm Mechanization and Infrastructure Investments; Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures; and Food Safety and Regulations.

Under Industrialization are: Development of Agri Industrial Business Corridors; Global Trade, Export Development and Promotion; and Postharvest, Processing, Logistics and Marketing Support.

Finally under Professionalization, the strategies are: Agriculture Career System; Education and Training for Agribusiness Management; Youth and Women Engagement; and Ease of Doing Business and Transparent Procurement.

Me, more than 2 years ago, I myself was already writing about what Mr Dar’s Servant Leadership thoughts were about the DA. Try: “Frank A Hilario Investigates The Paradigms & Paradigm Shifts Of William Dar[4] (27 August 2019, Ani Kita).

Ms Tan and Mr Barcelona, now knowing the above that the DA under Mr Dar has planned to do/is doing, today tell me, how do you plan to help the DA help the Filipino farm families thrive instead of simply survive?@517






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