Wow Is Me! Words Of Wisdom I Missed Or Ignored About PNoy

Wow! is my one-word description of ex-Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima’s eulogy for ex-President Noynoy Aquino; those 1,196 words opened my critical eyes wide from Disdainto Admiration. Really! The President is dead. Long live the President!

I was paying attention to the worst and not the best of PNoy. As Mr Purisima puts it, Noynoy brought PH “from Asia’s sick man to Asia’s bright star.”

I quote more from his untitled Eulogy[1] (

President Aquino demonstrated principled leadership… The turnaround story of the Philippines – from Asia’s sick man to Asia’s bright star – is without doubt one of his greatest legacies. He left office with a Philippines more optimistic about its future, having ended the vicious cycle of doubt and having entered a virtuous cycle of confidence.

PNoy inherited “principled leadership” from his father Ninoy. Disrespected publicly, Noynoy’s confidence came from his cabinet members like Mr Purisima. “His 6 years in office was proof of his fundamental thesis: that good governance delivers great economics.”

I recall with pride, how we raced past our peers and even outpaced China at times to post economic growth figures that were among the world’s fastest. Indeed, the 6-year growth average of 6.2% during his administration was the Philippines’ highest in 4 decades.

“Economic growth figures that were among the world’s fastest.” About international investment grade of the country:

The Philippines’ historic first ever investment grade in 2013 was also the direct result of his leadership. The international community saw how the Philippines walked our talk on fiscal consolidation and granted us 24 positive credit ratings actions – the most in history – and made us the world’s most upgraded sovereign (state) back then.

As President of your country, you have to walk your talk!

President Aquino ended his tenure with a record low 5.8% unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2016, and with high consumer and business optimism. Our standing in various international rankings likewise improved dramatically, jumping 38 notches in the World Economic Forum Competitiveness Report from 85th to 47th, while climbing 39 and 45 places in the Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom and the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Report…

That’s great economics! And Noynoy showed, “Great economics results from good governance.”

From Karen Vera, sharing on Facebook:

President Noynoy Aquino had the courage to lead a difficult people, with honesty and sincerity, and yes, there were flaws. But for a large part: it WORKED. He rescued our economy, stood up to China, and was never an embarrassment as the global representative of the country he loved, and gave his heart and soul to.


His presidency gave me SOME hope that we can still get our act together as a country (though that hope is getting harder to see. Some times). Noynoy didn't want to let his country down, and now it is up to the rest of us that we don't either. God bless you, Noynoy, and God bless us all to keep up the fight.

The likes of Noynoy Aquino is my President!@517



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