Rabiya Mateo Is Miss Universe Philippines – High IQ, Pretty Face, Pulchritudinous Body, Perfect Answer! And Heart Of Gold

Now then, I am 100% sure that the 
next Miss Universe proclaimed 
will come from the Philippines: 
Rabiya Mateo of Iloilo City.

High IQ – 
She is 24 years old, 5 foot 6, licensed physical therapist, and graduated cum laude (with honors) from the Iloilo Doctors Colleges
[1] (Eton B Concepcion, manilastandard.net). She is Miss Iloilo 2020. Her name Rabiya means queen[2]; so she is the rare royalty with the high IQ. (above left image. with face masks[3] from Preview.ph, right image[4] from Rappler.com)

Pretty face 
Rabiya’s father is Indian, mother Ilongga (no names that I saw). Her dad left them many years ago, no reasons I can find, so I guess “Mateo” is actually the mother’s surname, for convenience. From the limited top-down view of a photo that Rabiya has shown, he looks good-looking, hence the beauteous daughter. How does a daughter grow up without a father figure? Well, Rabiya triumphed!

Pulchritudinous Body 
Pulchritudinous” means “having great physical beauty” or “delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration
[5]” – I did not say that! TheFreeDictionary.com did. For Rabiya, a perfect word.

Perfect Answer! 
To the question, “If you could create a new paper currency with the image of any Filipino on it, dead or alive, who would it be, and why?” she gave this perfect response (Bea Cupin, 26 October 2020, “Meet Rabiya Mateo, Miss Universe Philippines 2020
[6],” Rapppler.com):

If I were given the chance, I would want to use the face of Miriam Defensor-Santiago. For those who don't know, she was an Ilongga, but what I admire about her is that she used her knowledge, her voice to serve the country, and I want to be somebody like her, somebody who puts her heart, her passion into action, and after all, she is the best President that we never had.

Heart of Gold  
I can see now that Rabiya is going to acquire more knowledge and will use her Miss Universe voice to serve her country forever and ever – after serving the Universe 1 year, of course! She is going to be like the other distinguished Ilongga, Miriam, and put her knowledge, voice, heart and passion into action. She may even become the best Ilongga President we never had!

In fact, she has already started with the youth. Bea Cupin says (26 October 2020, “Meet Rabiya Mateo, Miss Universe Philippines 2020[7],” Rapppler.com):

During the preliminary interviews, Rabiya said the youth should “invest in (themselves),” particularly because of the noise that’s all too common both online and in real life. When you practice self-love, you get to know the right weapon in order for you to win life. I feel like right now I am ripe enough to win the competition because I've done everything that I could to become the phenomenal woman that I am," she said, without even skipping a beat.

I see Rabiya Mateo, Miss Universe Philippines, 
has 20-20 vision. She sees many things we don’t!@










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