Given The Lockdown, How Media Can Be Revolutionary Many Times Over!

Right now, no country in the world is developed or developing or underdeveloped – they are all staggering under the dictatorship of a lockdown wanted by doctors.

Since when did development of a country depend on medical doctors? This world is going crazy!

I am looking at mass media as Social Savior of Sanity.

The 2020 Media Revolution I’m thinking of is this: Media as prompter, rabble rouser, knowledge giver, teacher of learning and not teacher of Questions and Answers.

I’m talking about Mediaand Science.

Science is the modern handmaiden for families, villages, towns & cities, provinces, regions, countries. That is to say, the more science we move from Appreciation to Application, the more the Gross Domestic Prosperity, GDP2, should be! For too long, Prosperity has been denied from the lowest rungs of society.

PH: Practical applications of the Digital Revolution with these target institutions:

Department of Agriculture, DA;
Department of Education, DepEd;
Department of Information & Communication Technology, DICT;
Department of Science & Technology, DoST;
State Colleges & Universities, SCUs:
University of the Philippines System, UP System.

For the DA, digital delivery of educational materials with the cellphone as the last mile.

For DepEd, learning in virtual classrooms. To maximize digital power, transform teaching lessons into learning lessons. How? Read my lips (my essay, “PH Du30, Duque, Lagmay – Please Learn From Natalie Portman!” 27 May 2020, Werkaholic).

For the DICT, massive support of virtual careers or work-from-home professionals. The Filipinos are the #1 work-from-homers in the world!

For DoST, journals that come out more than twice a year. In 2003, at 66 years old, I was a one-man band Editor In Chief and desktop publisher of the Philippine Journal of Crop Science, PJCS; in 3 years, I made PJCS up-to-date and in the next year listed in the coveted international elite list called ISI. Digital was my handmaiden.

For the PAJ, blogging for inclusive countryside development.

And yes, I’m 79 now and I just came out with a book of 312 pages titled Greenfields Of Asia, a collection of 100 of my essays blogged from January 2020 to March 2020. Beat that!

For the SCUs, digitizing learning materials for farmers and fishers in regions they are strategically located.

For the UP System, digital courses that contribute graduates to any of the above undertakings.

So, ladies and gentlemen:

All for GDP2!

There’s more:

Antonio Contreras says[1] (28 May 2020, “When Blessings Of Democracy Turn Into A Curse,” Manila Times) that “the political system must be populated by a politically literate and responsible citizenry, mature political institutions and political leaders who know the limits of their powers.”

Via media, we will educate the citizenry. Via media, we guard political institutions from being immature. Via media, we teach political leaders some lessons.

The overall lesson is this:

If we cannot find freedom in the real world, we can always find it in the virtual world!

Note that in the image of Revolution above, you can spell


I am calling for a Revolution of Love!@517



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