SOLVE As A Way Of Speech & Blogging As A Way Of Write

Searca Tuesday, 28 April 2020, 10:00 AM, embarks on a Southeast Asian voyage of discovering and/or uncovering pieces & sets of knowledge on food security given the global coronavirus outbreak. 

It is a webinar series to “highlight concrete actions in agriculture and rural development in Southeast Asia.” The series to be launched is called “Searca Online Learning & Virtual Engagement,” acronym SOLVE, which is Searca’s “effort to break boundaries, both physical and conceptual, to strategically disseminate just-in-time solutions.” It is ambitious, but the times call for it.

Searca Director Glenn B Gregorio says of it:

The new normal brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic has firmed up Searca’s resolve to embark on new modalities and use technology-mediated platforms of interactions to effectively deliver context-relevant and valuable services to its stakeholders, including farmers and the public.

SOLVE is virtual but the learnings are real. Mr Gregorio said:

SOLVE particularly highlights specific concrete and practical actions being implemented on the ground as a way to disseminate and promote these to the wider sector possible.

Why is Searca doing this? Mr Gregorio said:

Ultimately, as a leading enabler and champion of excellence in ARD in Southeast Asia, SEARCA now further consolidates its efforts in making sure that all the necessary actions will indeed directly reach and would significantly benefit the Farmers and Farming Families.

With that, I must say that Searca is suddenly the development-consciousSoutheast Asian institution of science that it has never been in its 54 years of existence, founded in 1966, setting up headquarters at the campus of UP Los Baños.

The public is invited to participate via Zoom and Facebook. Again, let me note that Searca is a pioneer in the use of social media to address its clientele, which is Southeast Asia-wide.

Food security for the people is insurance against hunger and malnutrition via production and purchase, an interplay of export and import.

There are 3 speakers for 28 April 2020: Secretary of Agriculture William Dar; Searca Director Glenn B Gregorio, and General Manager of Farmer’s Factory Gerry Hidalgo. The major theme is “Food & Nutrition Security” and “Eco-Health/One-Health Applications to ARD.” The sponsoring partners for the day are Searca, the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, and Farmer’s Factory.

At the same time, Searca is keen to partner with any institution or individual who sees the potential in SOLVE and may like to, say, serve as a resource speaker. That is why I wrote this essay.

I am now going to offer myself as a webinar speaker-demonstrator in the field of blogging for development. Certainly, blogging can offer just-in-time solutions. Live, I will demonstrate digitally how people can think creatively and write and blog by themselves.

I am 79; my thousands of blog posts are digital proofs that neither age nor media is a hindrance to communication.

If time is short, we continue the tutorials online afterwards, first 10 clients free, email to email. Writers should be free, and blogging is a way to go!@517


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